AWS Auto Scaling vs Azure Autoscale Which automatic scaling service is better

June 15, 2022

AWS Auto Scaling vs Azure Autoscale: Which automatic scaling service is better?

When it comes to cloud computing, one of the most important features that businesses look for is scalability. Automatic scaling services can make a significant difference in ensuring that your platform is capable of handling increased traffic, avoiding downtime, and optimizing resource utilization. AWS Auto Scaling and Azure Autoscale are two of the most popular solutions that allow you to keep your infrastructure optimized while minimizing costs. So, which one is better? Let's compare.

AWS Auto Scaling

AWS Auto Scaling is a service that automatically increases or decreases the capacity of your resources based on demand. For instance, if you're running a business that creates shopping carts for e-commerce websites, AWS Auto Scaling can help you handle the increased traffic that comes during the holiday season.

Benefits of AWS Auto Scaling

Here are some benefits of AWS Auto Scaling:

  • Increased availability: With automatic scaling, you can avoid downtime during high traffic periods.

  • Cost-Effective: AWS Auto Scaling can help you optimize your resources by reducing the number of instances you have running when there's no need for them.

  • Enhanced performance: AWS Auto Scaling allows you to maintain consistent performance levels regardless of changes in load.

Azure Autoscale

Azure Autoscale is a service that also automatically scales resources up or down based on demand. It does this by monitoring resource usage and making adjustments as needed.

Benefits of Azure Autoscale

Some benefits of Azure Autoscale are:

  • Improved availability: Like AWS, Azure Autoscale can help you maintain uptime during high traffic periods.

  • Cost optimization: Azure Autoscale helps to lower costs by reducing resource usage when it is not needed.

  • Performance optimization: Azure Autoscale maintains the performance of your resources, allowing it to handle increases in demand as needed.

Comparing AWS Auto Scaling vs Azure Autoscale

Here is a comparison of AWS Auto Scaling and Azure Autoscale:

Features AWS Auto Scaling Azure Autoscale
Support for Multiple Applications Yes Yes
Resource Supported EC2 instances, DynamoDB tables, etc. Azure Virtual Machines, Web Apps, etc.
Notification Services Amazon SNS, SMS, etc. Azure Notification Hub
Third-Party API Integration Yes Yes
Auto Scaling Policies Target tracking, simple, step, etc. Based on metric rules, date/time, and custom
Maximum Scaling Machine 40,000 instances Unlimited
Monitoring and Analytics AWS CloudWatch Azure Monitor


After carefully analyzing the features available with AWS Auto Scaling and Azure Autoscale, it's safe to say that both solutions have more or less the same capabilities. Nonetheless, there are a few differences you should look for when selecting the right platform for your needs.

AWS Auto Scaling is a great option if you're looking for a solution that can support several applications, with a limit up to 40,000 instances. Azure Autoscale might be the better choice for those who have a mixture of cloud IaaS and PaaS resources.

Whichever option you select, ensure to understand your specific use case and identify which of the options will be best optimized for your organization.


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